
We first reached out to Mizuki after watching her in a YouTube interview, and within days, we were meeting her at a cafe in Shibuya.

During that first meeting, we shared a cookie while she ordered two cakes and a lemonade—later eating the lemon slices whole, rind and all. We were awestruck. Within a couple hours of conversation, she opened up about her life: her strained family relationships, her fans, and her unconventional living situation. We were moved by her willingness to share so openly and candidly.

We met with Mizuki over the course of several months. Our goal with this project was to go beyond her online persona—the girl with the "garbage room"—to capture a fuller picture of Mizuki’s life.

We hope her story leaves an impression on you as deeply as it did on us. She's unlike anyone we have ever met.

私たちは、YouTube で彼女のインタビューを見て、連絡を取りました。数日以内に、渋谷のカフェで彼女と会うことになりました。最初のミーティングでは、一緒にクッキーを食べながら話しました。彼女はケーキ 2 つとレモネードを注文しましたが、レモンは皮ごと食べていました。数時間の会話の間、彼女は自分の人生、特に家族関係の問題、ファンについて、そして型破りな生活状況について打ち明けてくれ、その率直かつ率直に分かち合おうとする彼女の姿勢に感動しました。


About Us

This project was created by Magda Kuzminski and Mina Nowzari.


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